case study
8 min read

see how Mankind Pharma promoted its regular contraceptive pill Unwanted 21 Days with geo-targeting and lingual ads

Mankind Pharma
Logicserve Digital
spotlight & streambox
assamese, bengali & odia


One of India’s top five leading pharmaceutical companies, Mankind Pharma wanted to increase awareness of its best birth control pill – Unwanted 21 Days, with the tagline "Anchahi pregnancy bhool jao", in a way that would resonate well with users.


  • In order to fulfil the brand’s objective effectively, mCanvas and Logicserve Digital collaborated to design innovative ads for the brand. The ad was run on two of mCanvas’ high-impact and intuitive ad formats – Spotlight and Streambox. Aiming to increase brand visibility without being intrusive, Spotlight is a glossy banner ad format that politely appears while users are scrolling. In case they choose not to engage with the ad, they can continue to scroll, thus providing a seamless on-page experience and providing two to five times better click-through rate than standard banner ads. The outstream video ad format – Streambox, embeds video natively between editorial content, resulting in a 82% higher brand lift.

  • In order to enhance the relevancy and reach of the ad, it was important to customise the ad with geo-targeting and linguistic banners. As a result, the mobile-led campaign primarily targeted females, as well as males, between the ages of 18 to 44 years, in the states of Assam, West Bengal and Odisha. Additionally, the ad was delivered in three different languages - Assamese, Bengali and Odia, based on the user’s location.

how the campaign was executed

  • spotlight

    On scrolling, the high-impact ad first displayed the product, followed by a picture of a woman and the copy ‘Be pregnant, when you want to be!’. As the user scrolls, the copy then changed to ‘When it comes to planning your pregnancy, Unwanted 21 days can help! #ByChanceNahiByChoice!’. The CTA ‘Know More’ directed users to the brand’s landing page for more information on the contraceptive pill.

  • streambox

    As the user scrolled, mCanvas’ native, outstream video ad appeared on the screen, displaying the commercial of the product. A banner below the video featured the copy ‘Pregnancy by choice, not chance!’, along with the CTA ‘Know More’, that directed users to the brand’s landing page for more information on the product.

see the results for yourself



million users

Assamese, Bengali, Odia


*over 12 times higher CTR as compared to the 0.20% industry average for mobile banners

see the results for yourself



million users



Assamese, Bengali, Odia
To introduce our morning after pill – Unwanted 21, we were on the lookout for an ad concept that would intrigue users in an innovative way. Partnering with Logicserve Digital and mCanvas enabled us to engage our audiences with a highly relevant ad, that garnered incredible and competitive industry results
Joy Chatterjee, Deputy General Manager, Mankind Pharma
Innovation is key to achieving unique results. We believe in innovation and always endeavour to design creative solutions that are tailor-made for our clients' specific goals. For this campaign, we partnered with mCanvas and worked on producing these intuitive ads using some of the new formats. We also ensured to use a localised approach and tactically incorporated a multi-linguistic strategy basis the location of the target audience. We are very happy with the results and are glad we could help Mankind Pharma fulfil their goal of reaching out to the users in an intriguing way. I would like to thank our partner, mCanvas, for delivering such a great campaign.
Prasad Shejale, Founder & CEO, Logicserve Digital
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